3C905B problems

Daniel Hamlin DHamlin@olivet.edu
Fri Jul 17 10:33:17 1998

Sorry if this has already been answered, but I just found out about
this list today and just now subscribed.  I am having problems getting 
my 3C905B working under linux.  I am currently using the redhat 5.1
distribution (I haven't been able to get the updates, yet).  I have tried the new 
driver file .99D and .99E and have also tried the varesearch pre-patched kernel 
version 2.0.34.  My 3C905B is detected correctly, and displays the correct 
hardware address, however I can't ping anything on the network.  ifconfig 
shows that everything is setup correctly.  I did notice that my routing table 
displays the localnet and loopback and then just hangs.  My computer is a P2 
233 on an ASUS P2L97 Motherboard.  Does anyone have any ideas?  Thanks!

Daniel Hamlin
Computer Services
Olivet Nazarene University