[tulip] how to compile into 2.2.18 kernel?
Roisman, Dani
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 19:03:28 -0800
1) I'm not on this list, could you pls include me directly in the reply?
2) I've done a cursory scan of the list archives, but I'm sure this has been
asked many times before, sorry in advance.
Okay, I got the tulip.c compiling as a module, modprobe'ing it, and we're
all happy. But now I want to include in the kernel.
Becker's instructions on http://www.scyld.com/network/updates.html result in
a system that enumerates the 1-port tulip card 8 times (e.g. I have eth0
thru eth7 found as 21143's, even though I only have one ethernet card!)
Thank you so much!
Dani Roisman