What's the difference between config and config.opt

Donald Becker becker@scyld.com
Sat May 6 00:00:48 2000

On Fri, 5 May 2000, Thomas Gagne wrote:

> Subject: What's the difference between config and config.opt
> I noticed that there seems to be similar entries in both of these files.
> What's the difference between them?  Which one should be used.

They both have the same data types and format.
 The 'config' file is the standard mapping, updated when you update your
   PCMCIA package.
 The 'config.opt' file is the local additions and special mappings.

> For instance, I noticed in the latest network drivers RPM that the edits were
> made to /etc/pcmcia/config.opt and not config.  Just to be consistent, I
> commented out the duplicates from config.

The RPM doesn't install the updated table automatically.  You have to do
that by hand.  I've just made this available as a separate file at

The table update line is
# An updated list of Tulip-based cards.
device "tulip" class "network" module "cb_enabler", "pci-scan", "cb_shim", "tulip"

which say "to load the tulip functionality you must load"
   "cb_enabler",   The standard CardBus resource manager.
   "pci-scan"	   The new PCI scan code with power management.
   "cb_shim"	   The "CardBus shim" that ties cb_enabler to pci-scan
   "tulip"	   The driver itself.

> Strange thing now (trying to get my EZ 10/100 cardbus to work) is that my
> 2.2.15 is hanging when the card is inserted, shortly after the driver is
> loaded.  The messages in dmesg, as I mentioned in an earlier note, look like
> cardmgr is using the old format to insert the driver--that is, it's using
> insmod instead of modprobe to load tulip.o.  I'll look to make sure I don't
> have multiple copies floating around somewhere.

There seems to be a problem with the SMC card -- I managed to hang my
machine twice while inserting and ejecting it.  This doesn't happen with the
other Tulip CardBus cards, so there must be something in the media table
causing this behavior.  I'll spend some more time tonight on the problem.

Donald Becker				becker@scyld.com
Scyld Computing Corporation
410 Severn Ave. Suite 210
Annapolis MD 21403

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