What's the difference between config and config.opt

Thomas Gagne tgagne@ix.netcom.com
Fri May 5 21:48:37 2000

I noticed that there seems to be similar entries in both of these files.
What's the difference between them?  Which one should be used.

For instance, I noticed in the latest network drivers RPM that the edits were
made to /etc/pcmcia/config.opt and not config.  Just to be consistent, I
commented out the duplicates from config.

Strange thing now (trying to get my EZ 10/100 cardbus to work) is that my
2.2.15 is hanging when the card is inserted, shortly after the driver is
loaded.  The messages in dmesg, as I mentioned in an earlier note, look like
cardmgr is using the old format to insert the driver--that is, it's using
insmod instead of modprobe to load tulip.o.  I'll look to make sure I don't
have multiple copies floating around somewhere.

Comments?  Suggestions?

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