[tulip] help from a really beginner [Debian, Linksys 10/100 Fast, tulip]

Gang Zhao gzhao@ea.oac.uci.edu
Tue, 27 Jun 2000 00:14:04 -0700 (PDT)


I'm really new....not only to tulip, but also to linux....But I did do my
homework before asking.....so please help.

I download debian stable from its official site, which turns out to be
kernel 2.0.38. I got an Linksys 10/100 Fast Ethernet card, so I followed
all the lessons downloaded tulip.c, pci-scan.c, etc., and compiled them.
At first I almost cannot success in compiling since gcc complains not
being able to find some .ver files. Then I searched and corrected the path
name. But when I try 'insmod' before installing the .o files into their
directory, I got a 'kernel version mismatch error', which says the .o
files are compiled in kernel 2.0.36, albet my version is 2.0.38. -- This
I'm really confused, since, how can I compile on kernel version 2.0.38 and
the result is a 2.0.36 binary?

If I forcefully put the .o files into the directories like
/lib/modules/2.0.38/pcmcia and/or /lib/modules/2.0.38/net, then when
starting up the PCMCIA system complains kernel error/mismatch (roughly the
same complain as insmod).

Anybody know what's going on? I don't even know if this is a tulip problem
or a Linux/Debian compiler problem. Forgive me if I post it in wrong
place, but please help me.

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=====[Phone: (949)824-3092 | Email: gzhao@uci.edu]==<  /===========((`=======