[tulip] Compile errors and Unresolved dependencies for the Source RPM

cjayakumar@excite.com cjayakumar@excite.com
Thu, 13 Jul 2000 23:46:51 -0700 (PDT)

Hey Ute,

Thanks a lot man, for giving me some tips.  I got this stuff fixed, though
it is very mysterious and I don't understand a thing of what's going on. 
You were right in that it was a kernel problem.

I downloaded the Netdriver source RPM and installed it by:
rpm -i Netdriver2.src.rpm.  It installed a zipped archive called
netdriver.tgz in /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES.  You can find that out by typing rpm
-qlp Netdriver2.src.rpm.  I copied this netdriver.tgz to my home directory
and unzipped and unarchived it.  It unzipped into all the driver source
files and pci-scan.c and .h and kern_compat.h and a Makefile.  I just typed
'make' and it made all the driver modules in the same directory perfectly
fine, without any errors.  The insmod of pci-scan.o and tulip.o failed as

Then I decided to make the kernel and see if the PCI option was included. 
So I changed directory to /usr/src/linux and typed:
make mrproper
make xconfig
At this point, the user interface said that PCI had been compiled into the
kernel.  PCI was enabled into the kernel under the 'General Setup' button. 
So I was confused.  Then, I typed:
make dep
make clean
make modules
I'd decided to make the modules first, before 'make boot'.
make modules_install
Then I noticed that the modules were installed in my
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk directory and not in my
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksecure directory which was being used.  So maybe I
thought that there was more than one kernel that the distribution had
pre-compiled and could be booted from.

And when I rebooted the machine, sure enough, LILO had, not two or three,
but eight options.  Then, I went through booting each one of them and trying
insmod pci-scan.o.  I hit paydirt on the fourth one.  So I changed the
'default=' line in /etc/lilo.conf to be that kernel, and ran /sbin/lilo.  I
then set up the ethernet card with Red Hat's control panel, added 'alias
eth0 tulip' and 'options tulip options=0 debug=1' to /etc/conf.modules, and
the stuff works on booting.

As I said before, I don't know why some kernels export the symbols that
pci-scan wants and some don't.  Maybe a kernel compile would do the trick
for you too.

Thanks again,
Jay Kumar

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