DEC 21142 drops line after 5 seconds

Annius Groenink
Sat Feb 26 11:17:13 2000

Hi all,

I just installed Linux (2.2.13) on a Compaq 1800 series notebook that
says it has a DEC 21142.  After the usual "ifconfig x y z up", my hub
shows a steady connection for about 5 seconds, and then, as the first
package comes in from the other computers on the network, it drops the
link (hub starts blinking).

Any idea what might be causing this problem? IRQs and addresses seem to
be OK, rx queue indicates length 0, tx queue says it has a size of 100.

Eidetica                           .     
Kruislaan 400                               tel +31 20 888 4126 fax 4001
NL 1098 SM Amsterdam           dr Annius V. Groenink, ETO          .
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