linux and new linksys cards
Thu Apr 27 21:39:22 2000
At 06:35 PM 4/27/00 -0400, Mark Whitis wrote:
>On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, omar wrote:
>Are you being confused by the fact that linksys started labeling the
>nic controller chips "Linksys LNE100TX"? It is still a tulip clone.
>Or, have they come out with yet a fourth version?
What confuses me, is that you can't use the same windows driver for the
different versions. they now have version 4.0 on their web site which
needs a different driver disk than version 2.0 (version 3.0 was skipped)
>the stock driver (tulip.c:v0.91g-ppc 7/16/99) in
i have redhat 6.1, you mean in 6.2 they finally included the v0.91g
driver?????????? i don't believe it!! finally!!
Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe4000000 [0xe4000000].
>Amusingly, what I couldn't get that version the LNE100TX to work with was
>MS-Windows. It was plug and go under linux.
I bet you have the wrong version of drivers since there are now 4 different
windows drivers for the linux card lying around. by the way, i had a hell
of a time trying to get two linksys cards to work in windows98 on the same just wouldn't work, and i think the reason is that they were
different revisions, so windows kept using the same driver for both and one
of them always failed.
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