Tulip cards in production?

Magnus Redin redin@cendio.se
Thu Sep 9 08:35:33 1999


We are using a lot of Dlink DFE-570 4 port cards and Kingston
KNE-100TX cards at our company. It would be good for us to have
alternatives since cards sooner or later goes out of production.
Unfortunately its a maze to find the good current in production 
Tulip cards. 

Do anyone here buy fair sized lots of new cards that are in production
right now? It might be intresting with a clone manufacturer since that
makes the card independant from Intel and their whims. But I have no
idea about how good the clone cards are and I have not found any to
test easily in Sweden.

(If you have cubic meter of Dlink DFE-500 Rev C6 send an even quicker
email. I wonder if I ever will find the same price/performance. ;-) )

Free software - Ibland får man mer än vad man betalar för.
Magnus Redin  redin@cendio.se  http://www.cendio.se/