0.91g and Kingston KNE100TX problems

Donald Becker becker@cesdis1.gsfc.nasa.gov
Wed Jul 28 16:53:36 1999

On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, Kevin Myer wrote:

> > Acckkkk!!!  That's horribly bad.
> > Check that your cables are paired correctly.
> > Check /proc/net/dev to see what category the errors are in.
> Cables look ok.  

"Looks ok" isn't a good answer for this subject.
The pairing of TP cables isn't the obvious order.
But that's not the likely problem here, since bad cables usually cause more
Rx than Tx errors.

> [root@marble myer]# ./tulip-diag -mf
> tulip-diag.c:v1.10 4/12/99 Donald Becker (becker@cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov)
> Index #1: Found a Digital DS21143 Tulip adapter at 0xec00.
>  Port selection is MII, half-duplex.

OK, there is a problem -- for some reason the FDX bit isn't being set.

Does v0.91 act the same?

If so, we will have to monitor the link negotiation with  debug=3

Donald Becker					  becker@cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov
USRA-CESDIS, Center of Excellence in Space Data and Information Sciences.
Code 930.5, Goddard Space Flight Center,  Greenbelt, MD.  20771
301-286-0882	     http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/people/becker/whoiam.html