21140 and Full-Duplex lights

Nicholas Edwards nicholas@gns.nicholas.net
Sat Jan 16 17:59:43 1999

Hi..I just bought some Samsung SmartEther cards with the 21140-AF
controller. I was surprised to be able to get genuine Tulips for $22 each,
but I guess I was lucky. 

Anyway, thanks to the real MII and everything, Full duplex 100mbit seems
to work like a charm. The only thing is that the card's 100mbit and link
lights go on, but not the "full" light (one of those cards with like a row
of 5 leds on the back). The driver seems to recognize 100baseTx-FD and
there certainly are no collisions to speak of. Is this just a software
glitch whereby the Windows 95 driver would "manually" make the "full" led
go on?
