kne100tx problems

David Lerner
Sun Aug 8 20:03:31 1999 wrote:

> hi.
> i just installed redhat 5.2 on my celeron 400 processor with abit bx_6 revision 2 motherboard,
> with a kingston kne100tx ethernet adapter.
> but it doesn't work.  i always get an error message like no default root to host when
> i try telneting to another machine on my lan (giving its static ip address).
> as a boot nears completion, right before the loging prompt, my hug shows a lot
> of activity.  after a while, my hub partitions my linux machine off the network.
> i've disabled all of the networking based services that i know about (samba, named, one or two more),
> so i don't know what initiates the activity.
> i tried leaving the linux machine off the network until the boot was finshed, and
> when i plug it back in, i no longer get all of the activity, but the telnets still don't work.
> just for fun, i just switch ip address with another linux machine that i have, and after
> rebooting, the other one is ok, and my celeron isn't so it has nothing to do with that.


This sounds like a network software configuration issue , and not a tulip driver problem.  You should
problably post your question to the comp.os.linux.netwroking newsgroup. You might look up the Linux
Network Administrator;s Guide that is part of the Linux Documentation Project.
