Accton EN2220 and DEC21143

Ning Ye
Sat Apr 3 06:53:17 1999

    Sure, these advice is in the HOWTO file and I have try them before I ask the
question.  My problem is that CardMgr can't recognize my card manufacture ID and version
string, though it can finger out it is a cardbus card with 3.3V power.  I try to debug
the program, finding in
static card_info_t *lookup_card(int ns)
    /* Do we have a CIS structure? */
    ret = ioctl(s->fd, DS_VALIDATE_CIS, &arg);
the ret is 0 but arg.cisinfo.Chains is 0 too.  That makes the function believe that the
card doesn't have a valid CIS.  In modules cardbus.c, it seems int
cb_setup_cis_mem(socket_info_t *s, int space) doesn't succeed in configuring the card.
Sometimes the memory fail as it has to alloc 256k ram for the card, but the default
value defined in rsrc_mgr.c is only 64k.  I increased the value, no more memory problem,
but it still can't work.  That's the problem.  How to get the card ID?  I am debugging
the program but the progress is little. :-(  CIS is just too complex.
    Stanley Ye

Donald Becker wrote:

> Just add a new entry to the "this card uses that driver" file.
>  - Read the message in /var/log/* so you know the ID numbers.
>  - Look in /etc/pcmcia/config for an example that loads tulip_cb
>  - Put your new entry in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts
>     ('config' is overwritten on upgrades, *.opts is not).
>  - Send the new table entry to both David Hinds and me.