[eepro100] Re: eepro100 digest, Vol 1 #346 - 2 msgs

Blake Barnett blake.barnett@developonline.com
Wed Jan 2 13:49:00 2002

On Mon, 2001-12-31 at 10:23, Maurice Hilarius wrote:
> Actually there are about a dozen recognizable types, including this one, 
> which are most prevalent.
> If you like I may supply samples of these to you, to use as a template for 
> rejecting them.

razor is a great package for rejecting these common scams.

> Pretty funny, though!

Yeah... Hilarius.  (sorry, couldn't resist)

> With our best regards,
> Maurice W. Hilarius       Telephone: 01-780-456-9771
> Hard Data Ltd.               FAX:       01-780-456-9772
> 11060 - 166 Avenue        mailto:maurice@harddata.com
> Edmonton, AB, Canada      http://www.harddata.com/
>     T5X 1Y3
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Blake Barnett (bdb)  <blake.barnett@developonline.com>
Sr. Unix Administrator
DevelopOnline.com                 office: 480-377-6816

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