Transmit timed out error

Scott M. Stone
Mon May 1 17:54:33 2000

On Mon, 1 May 2000, Kallol Biswas wrote:

> FYI, we used to get transmit DMA timeout and chip hang on 82559 driver 
> whenever we would stress the system. Our previous design was very similar
> to Donald Becker's driver, but changing the transmit path a little
> all these problems have gone away. Anyway, I am thinking to help Donald
> in solving the transmit timeout error permanently in eepro100.c if it
> still exists.
> Could some one tell me where can I get the latest eepro100.c and 
> eepro100.h?

well, one thing that I noticed - I have a linux router box here running
kernel 2.0.36 - if I use the LATEST driver, the system will lock up and
stop responding to packets (locks the whole machine, crashes the kernel)
after 1 to 1.5 weeks of use.

If I use the 0.99B driver that comes with 2.0.36... well, six weeks now
and humming along.

Scott M. Stone, CCNA <>
UNIX Systems and Network Engineer
Taos - The SysAdmin Company 

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