Update Re: [eepro100-bug] problem after suspend-resume on Thinkpad a22p

Case Jones philipj@interchange.ubc.ca
Sun Mar 17 16:29:00 2002

On January 15, 2002 08:21 pm, Case Jones wrote:
> Hello,
> Sometimes, after suspending-resuming my laptop, it seems as though the
> eepro100 doesn't wake up properly... so far, all I know that works is a
> reboot, but does anyone have any ideas for fixing this?
> This problem has existed for me for quite a while now... at least since
> 2.4.12 and possibly earlier (after 2.4.15 or so I started using the
> pre-emptible kernel patch, and know that the problem exists on 2.4.17
> preemptible)

This seems to have been resolved in the recent 2.4.18 (according to one 
report, but I am still using a workaround with 2.4.18rc1 with no problems, 
and haven't tried to remove it to see what happens), and for other
kernel versions, the workaround is to read the pci settings of the network 
card before a suspend (when it is known to be working) and after (not 
working).  Check which settings change, and then use /sbin/setpci to set the 
values back to what they were before the suspend-resume.  It is not necessary 
to change values that did not change.  Examples can be found in the following 

