[Beowulf] Network considerations for new generation cheap beowulfcluster

Larry Stewart larry.stewart at sicortex.com
Tue May 22 06:02:38 PDT 2007

Eugen Leitl wrote:

>On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 12:38:13AM -0400, Mark Hahn wrote:
>>unless you're suggesting that games use collectives akin to MPI 
>I could see how a low-latency interconnect would help with a
>Second Life-like virtual reality, where most things happen
>server-side. On the other hand, given that low-end servers
>come with 4 GBit Ethernet NICs, just distributing the game
>world across a 2d torus would do as well, or better.
>Has anyone ever heard of a cluster wired in a diamond
>lattice (made from tetrahedrons) topology?
I haven't heard of anyone using a diamond lattice to wire a cluster.  We're
using a Kautz graph, which already makes my brain hurt.

What would the advantages of a diamond lattice be?  In terms of 
bisection and diameter?
Ease of wiring?


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