[Beowulf] SGI to offer Windows on clusters

Mikael Fredriksson mike at etek.chalmers.se
Thu Jan 18 22:10:19 PST 2007

Mark Hahn wrote:
>> Yes, it is.  And more so if this cluster/LAN can also utilize som type
>> of "MOSIX" system.  This will substatially increase the throughput of
>> "standard serial" processes.
> hmm, curious argument - why do you think MOSIX will be more efficient
> than a "normal" cluster when confronted with a trivial/serial workload?
> is there something about a typical pbs/sge/lsf/etc system that you think
> can't handle serial jobs?

I probbably expressed my self i a bad way.  What i mean is that with a 
MOSIX extension you can start a large bunch of "serial" processes on one 
node and these will then migrate in a balanced way in the cluster.  A 
MOSIX extension is transparent for the other parallell software.  I hope 
this link will clarify my point:



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