[Beowulf] Infiniband - Is there a HowTO?

Bill Wichser bill at psualum.com
Sat May 13 10:36:35 PDT 2006

I have recently acquired some IB adapters and an IB switch.  My kernel 
is 2.6.9-34.ELsmp and has a directory for infiniband under 
kernel/drivers in /lib/modules.  No modules get loaded by default at 
boot time though.

I can see the IB detected with lspci yet dmesg shows nothing.

03:07.0 PCI bridge: Mellanox Technologies MT23108 PCI Bridge (rev a1)
04:00.0 InfiniBand: Mellanox Technologies MT23108 InfiniHost (rev a1)

I'm just wondering how to proceed.  I imagine that I'll need to load 
some modules and configure the interface with ifconfig.  Load up the 
OpenIB RPM and build my OpenMPI libs.

I just can't seem to find some HowTo to make sure I get it all correct. 
  What modules to load, when.  That sort of thing.  If anyone could 
provide me with some pointers at least I can get started on getting 
something configured and tested.


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