RARP requests

Jarda Privoznik beaver_jarda at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 17 13:57:35 PDT 2002

Hey, I need a little help. Our research group jsut finished installing SCYLD 
on a three node testing system. We tried some MPI programs, and it worked 
just fine. But there are couple problems. One is that after a certain time 
limit (maybe?) the client nodes automatically reboot, and I can't find where 
to change this option... The second and worse problem is that after it did 
it the second time, the clients did not load up as usually to the Red Hat 
5.2, but they stopped at sending RARP requests and it's waiting forever. I 
am not able to boot them up normally now. Can anybody help? (frustruation is 
running over my head by now). Thanks.

Jarda Privoznik

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