Intel E7500 versus ServerWorks GC-LE/HE

Luc Lalonde llalonde at
Thu Feb 28 07:41:42 PST 2002

Hello Folks,

I'm wondering if any of you can comment on the comparison of the Intel
E7500 and the ServerWorks GC-LE/HE in this article:

Is the Plumas chipset refered to in the article the E7500? 

It's interesting that Dell has chosen the ServerWorks GC-HE for its
PowerEdge 4600 systems instead of the Intel E7500.  SuperMicro now has a
motherboard for each chipset.

We're in the process of choosing the nodes for our 16 node cluster and
would appreciate any comments on these two motherboards.

Thank You.
Luc Lalonde, Responsable du reseau GIREF

Telephone: (418) 656-2131 poste 6623
Courriel: llalonde at

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