scyld slave node problems

Eric Miller emiller at
Thu Apr 11 11:52:06 PDT 2002

>I'm setting up a small cluster for my university using the Scyld distro.
>The master is up and running and now I'm trying to get the nodes to
>However, the node I'm currently working on is having some difficulties. It
>seems to be communicating with the master just fine, but when copying the
>libraries from the master it starts spitting out "try_do_free_pages failed
>for init" and similar messages.  It seems to me that maybe the hard drive

There might be a more technical solution, but I had the same problem and was
able to solve it by booting that node diskless.  Just disconnect the hard
drive, and re-boot with the boot disk.  Like I said, there may be a better
way or technical solution, but ".....free_pages" led me to believe it was a
HDD problem.  I booted diskless, and had no problems.

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