Starfire on RedHat 7.2

Elie Bitton dabige1 at
Fri Nov 9 09:20:10 PST 2001

    I was trying to get my quad card (Adaptec ANA-62044) working under RedHat 7.2, and after RedHat did not automatically detect it, I found your site as pretty much the only source of information on this card. Anyway...a question..

When I do an insmod starfire with both the starfire.o that came with redhat 7.2 ( /lib/modules/2.4.7-10/kernel/drivers/net/starfire.o) and the one I compiled from your site ( from the starfire.c (I compiled the pci-scan.c loaded pci-scan.o with insmod with no errors and I compiled both of these with the -I flag as mentioned on your site, but had to use slab.h instead of malloc.h Re the compiler's suggestion) it gives me the following error:

"starfire.o: init_module: No such device
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters"

I don't know what base IO address the card is using or IRQ. Is there a way to find out (without having to install any form of windows in another partition)? 

I also compiled your starfire-diag tool, but again, can't test the card if I don't know the IO address.

Hoping you can help,


I am not on the please e-mail me back privately
dabige1 at


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