Rack mounted systems.

Joel Jaeggli joelja at darkwing.uoregon.edu
Wed Jan 10 14:10:23 PST 2001

On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Paul Hoffman wrote:

> Am attempting to estimate machine room floor space for a fairly
> large Beowulf cluster (~500 processors.) Here are my questions
> re: loading these into racks: (assume Pentium processors)
> - what is the minimum width of a 2-way node? (1U, 2U?)

that's height... but  yeah various vendors do 1u duals. 19" racks are
generally when all is said and done at least 22" wide. and the 1u dual
boxes we have are about 24" deep...

> - how many nodes can reasonably be put in a standard
>   10" rack? i.e. can the rack be fully loaded or is
>   some spacing required?

if the rack is sitting on a raised floor with hvac blowing from underneath
and a fan tray on top. and the pc's are vented out the ends there's no
reason you can't get 42 1u pc's in 1 7' rack... things like switches,
terminal servers, rackmount upses, and so on take additional space...

the space that the Ac/chiller takes up can be considerable as well and
needs to be factored in. the ibm netfinity 330r's in the akamai rack in
our data center have a nominal current draw of slighly more than one amp
each. so to extrapolate that to one rack that's ~44amps, ~4900 watts,
since you're gonna need ~1ton of ac for every 3.5-4kw that you're dumping
into the room so for 500 1amp loads on 110v you'll need a ac unit rated
for something like a 14.5ton load which is a pretty big although not huge
ac unit, it's about the size of 5 residential airconditioners...

> Thanks.
> paul /
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Joel Jaeggli				       joelja at darkwing.uoregon.edu
Academic User Services			     consult at gladstone.uoregon.edu
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