Linux TCP patches available for 2.2.17-14 kernel

Josip Loncaric josip at
Mon Feb 19 07:27:06 PST 2001

Red Hat just released their Linux kernel to 2.2.17-14 so I updated my
TCP patches to use this kernel.  See:

This web page also references sfperf, a script which uses netperf to
investigate the performance of various tcp_delack_strategy (s) and
tcp_faster_timeout (f) settings.  This script takes about an hour to
run, and typically recommends (s:3,f:1) as good values.  IMPORTANT: your
target host must allow at least 600 netserver connections per minute
(see the web page for more info).

Sfperf collects timings of unidirectional streaming of 100,000 single
byte TCP messages, then picks consistently fast settings.  The
recommended s and f settings on our PIII/800 nodes running Linux
2.2.17-14 (with patches) are:

s:  3 f: 1  time:    0.28 +/-   0.10 best:   0.19 worst:   0.75 seconds
s:  3 f: 0  time:    0.30 +/-   0.11 best:   0.19 worst:   0.73 seconds
s:  2 f: 1  time:    0.40 +/-   0.30 best:   0.22 worst:   2.47 seconds
s:  2 f: 0  time:    0.45 +/-   0.35 best:   0.21 worst:   2.92 seconds
s:  4 f: 0  time:    0.62 +/-   0.57 best:   0.19 worst:   2.94 seconds
s:  4 f: 1  time:    0.69 +/-   0.69 best:   0.19 worst:   3.93 seconds

With the TCP patches turned off (s:10,f:0) the same test takes 2.8 times
longer on the average because the unpatched kernel's performance is less
consistent (the worst cases are much worse): 

s: 10 f: 0  time:    0.79 +/-   0.80 best:   0.19 worst:   3.01 seconds


P.S.  Red Hat Linux kernel 2.2.17-14 has a minor bug in IP masquerade
code (not related to the TCP patches).  See if you get
compilation errors in ip_masq.c.

Dr. Josip Loncaric, Senior Staff Scientist        mailto:josip at
ICASE, Mail Stop 132C           PGP key at
NASA Langley Research Center             mailto:j.loncaric at
Hampton, VA 23681-2199, USA    Tel. +1 757 864-2192  Fax +1 757 864-6134

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