PBS with AFS

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at lsc.nd.edu
Thu Nov 16 14:46:28 PST 2000

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, Steven Timm wrote:

> This sounds like very interesting software.  Are there any plans to
> make it work with kerberos 5 tokens?

Not as of now, but mainly because we don't have anything that needs it.  
We wrote it specifically for AFS because we use it here on our PBS
clusters.  :-)

AFS is a blessing and a curse.  One of the aspects of its curse is that it
uses a completely separate version of kerberos (based off version 4) that
isn't compatible with anything else.

However, the code that actually obtains an AFS token is a really small
module; I don't know anything about Kerberos 5, but I imagine that it
would be trivial to add it.  If anyone has a need and wants to spend an
hour or two hacking it out, I'd be happy to a) help, and b) incorporate it
into the mainline package.

{+} Jeff Squyres
{+} squyres at cse.nd.edu
{+} Perpetual Obsessive Notre Dame Student Craving Utter Madness
{+} "I came to ND for 4 years and ended up staying for a decade"

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