new domain screwed

Brian Leeper
Sat Nov 27 23:02:57 1999

> > Yes, and a lot of Sendmail installations won't accept mail from any domain
> > that doesn't resolve.
> 	Are you sure that's true? You're supposed to be able to send mail to a
> domain even if it's not connected directly to the 'net. Isn't that what MX
> records are for? has an MX record, so it's not like you don't
> know where it's supposed to go.

I think sendmail just tries looking up the domain, but here's the lines
from my old file:

R<TEMP> $*              $#error $@ 4.1.8 $: "451 Sender domain must resolve"
R<PERM> $*              $#error $@ 5.1.8 $: "501 Sender domain must exist"
> 	What if you have a mail-only domain? Why does it need an IP address?

I think the only domains that sendmail will reject are ones that come back
with one of the following when you try to run nslookup on them:

Server failed
Non existent host/domain

Anything else is OK.
