[realtek] eth0: oversized ethernet farme a3ffffff

ben ben@eslnz.co.nz
Wed Jul 3 22:38:01 2002

when moving failry heavy loads the enternet stops with the following messages:

eth0: oversized ethernet farme a3ffffff

and :

4 errors 4 overruns 4 frame

The inteface works on software level, ie you can ping its IP number but no 
the other machines. Downing and upping the inetface makes it go again.

Thanks in advance for your help

Further information...

from rtl-8139diag  -aa :

The RealTek chip appears to be active, so some registers will not be read.
To see all register values use the '-f' flag.
RealTek chip registers at 0x9400
 0x000: 3c843000 00005611 80000000 00000000 9008a03c 9008a03c 9008a03c 
 0x020: 1e498010 1e498610 1e498c10 1e499210 1e490000 0d000000 0000ea9c 
 0x040: 74000400 00000000 dfa4c30a 00000000 002c1000 00000000 008cc118 
 0x060: 1000f00f 01e1782d 00000000 00000000 00000005 000f7400 b0f243b9 
  No interrupt sources are pending.
 The chip configuration is 0x10 0x2c, MII half-duplex mode.

from rtl-8139diag  -mm :
rtl8139-diag.c:v2.04 8/08/2001 Donald Becker (becker@scyld.com)
Index #1: Found a RealTek RTL8139 adapter at 0x9400.
 The RTL8139 does not use a MII transceiver.
 It does have internal MII-compatible registers:
   Basic mode control register   0x782d.
   Basic mode status register    0x1000.
   Autonegotiation Advertisement 0x01e1.
   Link Partner Ability register 0x0000.
   Autonegotiation expansion     0x0000.
   Disconnects                   0x0000.
   False carrier sense counter   0x0000.
   NWay test register            0x0005.
   Receive frame error count     0x0000.
 MII PHY #-1 transceiver registers:
   0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
   0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
   0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
   0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.
 Basic mode control register 0x0000: Auto-negotiation disabled!
   Speed fixed at 10 mbps, half-duplex.
 Basic mode status register 0x0000 ... 0000.
   Link status: not established.
   Capable of <Warning! No media capabilities>.
   Unable to perform Auto-negotiation, negotiation not complete.
 This transceiver has no vendor identification.
 I'm advertising 0000:
   Advertising no additional info pages.
   Using an unknown (non 802.3) encapsulation.
 Link partner capability is 0000:.
   Negotiation did not complete.