[realtek] insmod rtl8139 problem

rob.geelen rob.geelen@freeler.nl
Mon Feb 18 17:47:01 2002


I have been browsing you website for some time now, finding new and 
stuff over and over again. However they donot solve my problem:
I'm running RedHat 7.2, kernel version 2.4.9
I downloaded the source rpm for netdrivers3.1-1
Everything seems to have installed correctly.
When I run insmod rtl8139.o, I get two messages :
unresolved symbol pci_drv_unregister
unresolved symbol pci_drv_register
I have read one should run insmod pci-scan first !
when I run insmod pci-scan that runs fine, but now, when trying to run insmod 
rtl8139 again, I get the following:
init_module: No such device
I'm puzzled here,
Can anybody help me on this one ??

Thanks in advance,
Rob Geelen