[eepro100] Re: kernel: eth0: card reports no resources

Andrey Savochkin saw@saw.sw.com.sg
Fri, 30 Jun 2000 14:41:48 +0800


On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 10:07:40AM -0500, John Cagle wrote:
> I'm getting the same error periodically on an 800 Mhz system, so in my
> case, I don't think it's a CPU deficiency.
> When it starts happening on my system, I get the error for just about
> every packet the NIC tries to receive on my network.  To clear it up, I
> have to "ifdown eth0; ifup eth0".
> This is with eepro100.c v1.09j-t 9/29/99, Revision modified by
> Andrey.

I can confirm that there is such a problem, and it doesn't depend on CPU.
I'm working on it now.

Best regards
					Andrey V.