Hamachi (reposting)

Leonardo Valcamonici leonardo.valcamonici@caspur.it
Fri Oct 23 08:58:15 1998

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri Oct 23 08:58:15 1998
From: Leonardo Valcamonici <leo@eolo.caspur.it>
To: yellowfin@cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov
Subject: Hamachi

Hi all, thanks to the european Packet Engines sales representatives now I
have four Hamachi cards. I've picked up the Becker's 0.07 driver and
flawlessly compiled and loaded it as a linux 2.0.34 kernel module.
Connecting back-to-back a couple of cards, I got 180Mbps on TCP. I suppose
I can get more out of those cards under Linux, even on a 32 bit 33Mhz PCI
bus.  I started playing with MTU module option, but when I increased it
to, say, 4096B I can only have TCP connections, but no actual data
transfer. I guess it's a driver's problem like TX and RX buffers size ... 
Anyway, I would like to know if anyone out there has Hamachi cards
(GNIC-II) and runs them under Linux, and if a Linux performance tuning has
ever been made for them.  


| Leonardo Valcamonici                                                     |
| CASPUR                                     e-mail: valcamonici@caspur.it |
| Italian Interunivesities Consortium        voice : +39-6-49913857        |
| for Supercomputing Applications            fax   : +39-6-4957083         |
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