Demos for Hamachi...

Chris Worley
Fri Oct 9 00:19:18 1998

Does anybody have a good demo for the Hamachi card?  What sort of
performance can I expect from the GNIC-II's?

The best performance I can get (between two nodes) is slightly better
than the yellowfin (just short of 200Mbits/sec using tcp packets).  With
multiple senders and one receiver, I approach 300Mbits/sec on the
receiver.   I'm using ASUS motherboards (66MHZ bus) with 333MHZ PII's,
w/ Extreme Linux 5.0b.

I'm supposed to show this at the upcoming Networld+Interop in Atlanta
this month (followed by the Linux show, then Supercompter '98 next
month) and I want to make sure the demo screams.

Is anybody experiencing any problems with the Hamachi board/driver?  I'm
getting some strange hangs:  the demos run without problem as long as I
don't fiddle w/ the system.  Then, I change focus on a window (or
something similar) and the card goes berserk (like a task swap screwed
up some critical timing). If I do pings while in this state, the network
is really sluggish with lots of dropped and DUP'ed ICMP packets.  If I
do an ifdown/ifup, then it starts going again (no need to reload the

Using the Yellowfin cards and driver works great.  In fact, it's looking
really solid (on PII's and AXP's)!

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