[vortex] 3Com NIC controllers documentation.

Yuri Frolov yfrolov at dev.rtsoft.ru
Tue Mar 28 04:38:35 PST 2006


Is any information describing 3Com NIC controllers available or 3Com 
considers it a trade secret?
I've been searching the site of 3Com, trying to find something feasible, 
but have found nothing, does it mean I am just a
bad searcher, or 3Com really doesn't provide such info?
I need a functional description, description of register set, etc, i.e 
that, needed to write a full-featured driver.
Particularly, I'm looking info for controller used in the 3c905c 
("Tornado") cards in order to understand drivers/net/3c59x.c.
All suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Thank you,

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