[vortex] PCMCIA 3c575 using 3c59x driver dies under load

Paul Kopacz pkopacz@uoguelph.ca
Fri Mar 5 12:53:01 2004


I'm using the aforementioned card (3CCFE575BT) in my laptop and whenever
I am transferring a several dozen meg file, the transfer will stop
(killing any other connections I have such as ssh).  The following
appears in my syslog:
eth0: Host error, FIFO diagnostic register 0000.
eth0: PCI bus error, bus status 800000a0

and then

eth0: Host error, FIFO diagnostic register 0000.
eth0: PCI bus error, bus status 80000020


eth0: Too much work in interrupt, status e003.

thrown in every now and again,

will print continuously until I eject the card.  I can then reinsert the
card, wait for the network to come back up as normal, and my transfer
continues.  This seems to be a random occurrence, I've had it happen
after just a few megs transfered, and I've had it transfer a 80 meg file
without a hiccup.  It seems that system load *may* influence the
probability that it happens (I've been transferring fine at times and
gone to run a program only to have the transfer slow down to nothing). 
Also, transferring from the laptop does not seem to give me problems.

When the card is spewing out its errors, mii-diag reports 

eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok

as it always does.

I've been struggling with this card for weeks now.  I've been googling
but nobody seems to have the same problem.  If anybody can suggest
anything I would be very grateful.  Thanks for your time.


Paul Kopacz
Paul Kopacz <pkopacz@uoguelph.ca>