[vortex] WakeOnLan with 3c905C-TX-M
Donald Becker
Mon Jun 17 08:41:02 2002
On Mon, 17 Jun 2002, Ing. Simanek Milan zam wrote:
> I am trying to power on my PC using WakeOnLan feature, but the lan card
> does not receive WOL frames.
> 1) When I power off computer, all leds on the card turn off and nothing
> else happens.
> Hmmm, no progress. To eliminate re-loading the module and to be sure of
> unloading I tryed to do all work by hand (with alias eth0 line commented
> out from /etc/modules.conf):
> 9) rmmod pci-scan
> 10) /sbin/poweroff
> I think that the problem can be out of the driver module, because the card
> is receiving frames (leds blinks) after unloading the driver. The card
> hangs up at the moment of power off the computer. Is it possible to use
> some utility (like vortex-diag) to see the power-mode the card is in
> (after unloading the driver)?
You can use either 'pci-config' (distributed with my diagnostic
programs) or the standard 'lspci' program.
I wrote pci-config to track down exactly this sort of problem. It
reports the PCI configuration space settings, including power state.
> Is it possible the situation that card is
> set up correctly but the problem is with the pci bus driver, or some pci
> bridge? Haw can this be detected?
As I understand it, those settings control only the PME signal that
allows the machine to be woken up. There is no software control over
providing stand-by power through the WOL cable. So a misconfigured
CPU-PCI bridge prevent wake-up, but you should still see link beat LEDs.
Donald Becker becker@scyld.com
Scyld Computing Corporation http://www.scyld.com
410 Severn Ave. Suite 210 Second Generation Beowulf Clusters
Annapolis MD 21403 410-990-9993