[vortex] insmod 3c90x gives kernel mismatch
Fri Jan 11 14:45:03 2002
ENVIRONMENT: RH 7.1 originally installed with Kernel-2.4.2-2. 3com 3c90x-102 source driver code. Got 2.4.3 source code from KERNEL.ORG and recompiled kernel to 2.4.3. In /usr/src I have folders "linux" (files for 2.4.3) and "linux-2.4.2-2 (files for 2.4.2-2)". I have compiled the driver successfully under 2.4.3.
PROBLEM: When I try to load driver with "insmod 3c90x.o" I get an error message stating that the module was compiled for 2.4.2-12. I am using Anjuta IDE and I have the source paths set to /usr/src/include and /usr/include/linux. I did not have this problem when I used the kernel-source and kernel-headers RPM packages for 2.4.3-12 to upgrade the kernel to 2.4.3-12 on another system. What am I overlooking? By the way "insmod -f 3c90x.o" gives the kernel mismatch and an unresolved symbol "tvec_bases".
Curtis D. Smith
Network Administrator
Alabma State University
Phone: 334-229-4449
Fax: 334-229-4170