[vortex] GX150: Test results with Becker's 0.99V 3c59x.

Bill Cattey wdc@MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 14 17:16:00 2002

Excerpts from mail: 13-Feb-102 Re: [vortex] GX150: Test re.. Bogdan
Costescu@iwr.uni- (696*)

>  You can also try to use 3Com's DOS tool (3c90xcfg.exe) to check if the
> default media is set to Autonegotiate or NWAY and set it otherwise.

This sounds like an excellent tool.
Unfortunately, I could find no such file on the 3com web site.
There was a windiag.exe which had a bunch of stuff that inflated into
\source (when it SHOULD have inflated into the current directory).
Unfortunately, none of the files there seemed relevant.

Any guess where I might find 3c90xcfg?
