[vortex] ADV: WA Survey

udr@grzzr.com udr@grzzr.com
Thu Apr 11 01:00:47 2002

        <Title>WASHINGTON GAMING FORM</Title>


        <Body BGCOLOR="FFFFFF" TEXT="050066"  link="050066" vlink="050066">



<P><B><IMG SRC="http://www.targetadvertising.net/targeteye.jpg">        <P><B><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" COLOR=050066 SIZE="+2.5">TARGET ADVERTISING LLC</FONT></B>

<P>We are Target Advetising LLC a marketing and resouce company. We are conducting an E-mail Survey among voters in Washington State. Let us assure you that we are not selling anything. We are only gathering information that will better help us keep all Washington State Residents better informed about important issues in your area. At the bottom of this page is an opt out link for your use. Please note we do not encourage spam and if you feel you have received this letter in error please use the unsubscribe link and we immediatly remove you from our list.     <H3>
        <B><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" COLOR="050066" SIZE="+"></FONT></B>
<P></center>The following survey deals with the issue of tribal and non-tribal gaming establishments in the State of Washington. To aid in compiling data please fill in all the required fields marked with a red asterik and please answer the questions as they apply to you.
<br>All of the information will be kept confidential.  
<P><center><font color= red></font>     
<br><font color= red></font> <font color= red></font>    


        <form method="POST" action="http://www.venturahwy.com/cgi-bin/ultra/ultra-mail.pl">
<input type="Hidden" name="XX-subject" value="<B>INFO ORDER FORM">
<input type="Hidden" name="XX-send-to-email" value="wasgaming@simple.com ">
<input type="Hidden" name="XX-redirect-to-url" value="">

<input type="Hidden" name="*" value="XX-name,XX-email,Comments,">


<font color= red>*</font>  Your Name
<input type=text name=XX-name size=40>

<font color= red>*</font>  E-Mail Address
     <input type=text name=xx-email size=40>
<font color= red></font>  Your Street Address
<input type=text name=XX-name size=40>
<font color= red>*</font>  Your City
  <input type=text name=XX-name size=40>
<p><font color= red>*</font>Your State   <input type=text name=XX-name size=10>                           Your Zip Code
<input type=text name=XX-name size=10>
<font color= red></font>Phone: Home Number       
    <input type=text name=XX-name size=12> 

<bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>1- First, which one of the following statements comes closest to the way you personally feel about gambling?<br>Do you feel it is,</B></dt>
    <dd><select name="qyestion1" size="1">
        <option>Click To Select</option>
        <option>acceptable for anyone to do</option>
        <option>acceptable for others, but not for me personally</option>
        <option>not acceptable for anyone to do</option>

<P><bR><dt><B><font color= red>**</font>2-As you may know, there are different regulations for tribal and non-tribal gaming establishments in Washington state. Tribal casinos, operated by Indian tribes, can offer card games, roulette, dice games, and electronic games.

	Non-tribal mini casinos, operated by non-tribal businesses and individuals, can only offer card games and are prohibited from offering roulette, dice games, and electronic games.

	Would you favor or oppose a law that allowed all licensed gaming establishments in Washington state, whether tribal or non-tribal, to operate under similar regulations and offer similar games? 
    <dd><select name="question2" size="1">
        <option>Click To Select</option>
        <option>strongly favor</option>   
        <option>(DON'T READ) don't know</option>
<option>strongly oppose</option>

<P><bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>3- Would you favor or oppose a law in Washington state that allowed all licensed gaming establishments to operate under similar regulations and offer similar games, if it would generate $200 million in gambling tax dollars for state and local governments that would help pay for education, law enforcement and other important programs?</B></dt>
    <dd><select name="question3" size="1">
                <option>Click To Select</option>
        <option>strongly favor </option>
        <option>do not know</option>
        <option>strongly oppose</option>

<P><bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>4-As you may know, the Washington State budget has $1.5 billion dollar budget deficit.  Which of the following taxes would you most prefer to help reduce the budget deficit? 
    <dd><select name="question4" size="1">
        <option>Click To Select</option>
        <option>a personal income tax </option>
        <option>a corporate income tax</option>
        <option>a tax on new gambling activities</option>
        <option>don't know</option>      

<p>Now I'd like to read you some statements about gaming.  Please tell me if you agree or disagree with each statement. IF AGREE/DISAGREE: Is that strongly agree/disagree or somewhat agree/disagree? 		---AGREE---	Don't	--DISAGREE--
<bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>5-People should be able to go into a 
	  casino and spend their disposable  
	  income any way they want.	</B></dt>
    <dd><select name="question5 size="1">
        <option>Click To Select</option>
        <option>AGREE STRONGLY</option>
        <option>STRONGLY DISAGREE</option>

<P><bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>6- Gambling is a question of personal 
	  freedom.  The government should 
	  not tell American adults 
	  they cannot gamble. </B></dt>
    <dd><select name="question6" size="1">
        <option>Click To Select</option>
        <option>AGREE STRONGLY</option>
        <option>STRONGLY DISAGREE</option>

<P><bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>7- Thanks to revenues from casinos, 
	  local communities have more money
	  to pay for roads, schools, hospitals,
	  and other projects.</B></dt>.
    <dd><select name="question7" size="1">
        <option>Click To Select</option>
        <option>AGREE STRONGLY</option>
        <option>STRONGLY DISAGREE</option>

<bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>8- Casinos bring widespread economic 
	  benefits to other industries and 
	  businesses within the region.</B></dt>
    <dd><select name="question8" size="1">
        <option>Click To Select</option>
        <option>AGREE STRONGLY</option>
        <option>STRONGLY DISAGREE</option>

<P><bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>9- A casino can be an important part 
	  of a community's entertainment 
	  and tourism options.</B></dt>
    <dd><select name="question9" size="1">
        <option>Click To Select</option>
        <option>AGREE STRONGLY</option>
        <option>STRONGLY DISAGREE</option>

<P><bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>10- Casino companies should have 
	  programs to discourage compulsive gambling. </B></dt>
    <dd><select name="question10" size="1">
        <option>Click To Select</option>
        <option>AGREE STRONGLY</option>
        <option>STRONGLY DISAGREE</option>
<P><bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>11- Casino companies should have 
	  programs to discourage underage
	  gambling. </B></dt>
    <dd><select name="question11" size="1">
        <option>Click To Select</option>
        <option>AGREE STRONGLY</option>
        <option>STRONGLY DISAGREE</option>

<p>Now a few questions for statistical purposes.

<bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>12- What is your approximate age?</B></dt>
    <dd><select name="question12" size="1">
                <option>Click To Select</option>

<P><bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>13- Which one of the following best describes how you usually vote? </B></dt>
    <dd><select name="question13" size="1">
                <option>Click To Select</option>
        <option>mostly or only for Republicans </option>
        <option>a few more Republicans then Democrats</option>
        <option>a few more Democrats than Republicans	</option>
        <OPTION>mostly or only for Democrats	</OPTIONS>
        <OPTION>do not vote</OPTION>
<P><bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>14- Gender</B></dt>
    <dd><select name="question14" size="1">
        <option>Click To Select</option>

<P><bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>15-County </B></dt>
    <dd><select name="question15" size="1">
       <options>Click to Select>
<P><bR><dt><B><font color= red>*</font>16- IF KING COUNTY:  Do you live inside or outside the city of Seattle?</B></dt>
    <dd><select name="question16" size="1">
        <option>Click To Select</option>

<p>Thank you for your answers. Your answers will be used to help shape the future of the great State of Washington.  
<P><font size= 3>
<P><p></center>Unsubscribe Here
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<P> <P>