Bogdan Costescu
Wed Dec 5 09:40:02 2001
On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Markus Fraedrich wrote:
> It is possible to give one station a higher priority on the bus with setting
> the IFS of the other(s) station(s) to the maximum IFG (IFS+448BIT).
I only read once sometime ago some docs on the Scyld site which detailed
how data is put on the wire, so I'm in no way expert in this. I believe
that if you use a switch, the IFG only affects the physical link
between the card and the switch, but will in no way be related to other
links (between the same switch and other cards). I have no ideea about
what happens when you use a hub.
Not related to IFG: I think that there are switches were you can define
QoS for certain ports and/or types of traffic. This might in fact work
much better for you.
> The higher priority is for realizing a mpeg stream, and should be only for
> packets of this streaming.
So you want to change IFG in real-time depending on whether the packet is
part of a stream or not ? This sounds very bad - drivers are actually
trying to get away from using I/O within the hot-path and you want to
introduce (quite a lot) more I/O ?
> Im not sure if it is possible to reach this with the DPD1 setting of the NIC
> or if it is easier to implement this in a QoS Class (more Kernel specific).
I'm not familiar with the in-kernel QoS. However, it's done at higher
levels than those that we discuss here - you will not be able to skip
packets the are currently in the driver Tx queue, for example. Maybe
you should consider Don's suggestion: replace the card with a faster one
(Gigabit) - then even if you do QoS at higher levels, at least the driver
Tx queue will get cleared faster.
Another suggestion: a hard real-time OS.
Bogdan Costescu
IWR - Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Universitaet Heidelberg, INF 368, D-69120 Heidelberg, GERMANY
Telephone: +49 6221 54 8869, Telefax: +49 6221 54 8868
E-mail: Bogdan.Costescu@IWR.Uni-Heidelberg.De