Quake II causes problems

SHIBATA Seiki seiki@flab.fujitsu.co.jp
Tue Feb 9 00:03:01 1999

Thomas <ts95@vision.auc.dk> wrote:
> I'm running a K6-300/64Mb quake II server with a 3c905B ethernet card.
> The machine is connected to a 100mbit fast ethernet cisco switch, and
> both the NIC and the switch are locked at 100mbit full duplex.
> The server can stay up for long durations if the quake II server is not
> run, or if the quake II server is not used, but it usually only stays
> 'up' a few hours once players start playing on the server.
> The problem or phenomenon that occurs is, that the servers network
> access starts to get incredibly slow. Pinging the computer yields
> results between 1 and 4 seconds, and telnet or ftp sessions are equally
> slow. Top shows no system load of importance. I've tried doing a tcpdump
> while the phenomenon is occurring and it appears that it receives all
> the traffic it is supposed to (it receives many broadcasts from wintendo
> computers, ie. netbios), so my guess is that the problem is the outgoing
> traffic.

I have a similar problem. The problem is that a VNC(*) connection is
reset by peer.

Linux machine is a VNC client (viewer), and Win98 machine is a VNC
server. A viewer can connect a server, but it slow down and then the
connection is closed with the message 'Connection reset by peer'.

Looking through a output of tcpdump, I found a lot of duplicated ACK
packet sent from Linux machine. I guess the ACK packets were lost.

Linux machine:
  166MHz Pentium, 32MB RAM
  3C905 Boomerang
  100BaseTX full duplex connection with a switching hub
  kernel 2.2.1 with 3c59x.c v0.99H

Win98 machine:
  400MHz Pentium II, 64MB RAM
  Intel 82558
  100BaseTX half duplex connection with a repeater hub

There are no problem with kernel 2.0.35

(*) VNC is a remote desktop system <http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/>

// seiki@flab.fujitsu.co.jp