3CCFE575BT ..Jikes..

Jonathan Feldman Jonathan@wpo.co.chatham.ga.us
Fri Apr 16 15:58:49 1999

Hi, David --

I just got my Dell Latitude CP machine working with a 3com 3c575.  Here's my experience.

Got page faults and all sorts of terrible error messages.  I decided to simplify my situation, so removed my Dell-supplied Megahertz XJ1560 56K modem, and voila, everything started to work.  I am going to (eventually, in my copious spare time) hunt down _why_ this happened, but for now am happy that my ethercard (3C575) is working.

For what it's worth, I am using PCMCIA 3.0.5 and Slackware Linux.  An earlier experiment with Trinux didn't work, either.

Hope that helps!

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>>> dartagnan <daviddb@sgi.com> 04/15 6:29 AM >>>

Thank you so very much to all the people that replied to my message...:)
(Stephen, Josh, Brad and Martin)

I've downloaded the 3.0.9 PCMCIA package from

It compiled and installed without a hitch..

First, some background... this is a Dell Latitude CPi A366XT machine... (If
it was up to me, I would have just purchased an older machine, eish!)

I get the following messages in my /var/log/messages file...

kernel: cs: warning: no high memory available!
kernel: cs: unable to map card memory!

also I get...

cardmgr[204]: unsupported card in socket 0
cardmgr[204]: no product info available

Hm.... after reading some in the HOW-TO... I see that the 3CCFE575BT card is
supported, but now I'm wondering why it's not recognizing the card.... might
it be because there it cant map memory for it?

Thanks a bunch... I was really surprised to see all the people with advice
for me this morning when I arrived at work! We're not used to that kind of
enthusiasm here in South Africa!
