3c575TX + Thinkpad 600E
Albert Lee
Sat Apr 10 01:33:28 1999
... does not work very well under Linux. Some problem with PCI, CardBus,
and interrupts from what I can gather, I'll have to reboot to Linux to
find the exact error message, but it goes something like "Interrupt posted
but not received". I'll look it up if anyone asks. The card *barely*
receives anything -- ifconfig is fine but tcpdump is a major struggle and
nothing else seems to work at all. Packets *are* being transmitted and
data is being received; something's wrong with the reception. I'm
Red Hat 5.2 with upgrades for new kernel
linux-2.2.5 + pcmcia-cs-3.0.9
ALSA sounddriver
I'm just posting this skeleton of a bug report to see if anyone's familiar
with this problem. How do I get this card to work? Has anyone identified
what the problem area is? Who is working on it? Can I offer my time for
testing/development? Where can I find technical documentation, if I
decide to attempt a fix myself? (some leads, pointers, etc. would be
*very* nice!)
I'll never have to reboot to Win98 again (except for playing DVDs) once I
get this working! I'd be glad to post more data about how my system acts
if anyone needs it.