tx-status 00 status 0000 on working 3C905-TX and network -Reply

JILL SMITH SMITH.JILL@epamail.epa.gov
Fri Sep 25 12:19:47 1998

Hello, I have a Dell Optiplex G1 PII 266Mhz PC with a 3c905b card.  I also went through hell getting it to work.  I am running Redhat 5.1 kernel 2.0.35 and
v0.99E driver.  I also found that the card MUST be set to Autonegotiate the network speed in order for it to work even with this configuration.  The one
problem I am still seeing, though, is that the following message still shows up upon initialization of the driver: " Warning: No MII transceivers found! ".  I
have had the server up and running for a week now, with no other problems, but this bothers the heck out of me.  Has anyone else seen this before?


Jill K. Smith
Lockheed Martin

>>> Ben Gertzfield <che@debian.org> 09/24/98 11:58pm >>>
>>>>> "Andreas" == Andreas Wagner <wagnera@unm.edu> writes:

    Andreas> Hi,

    Andreas> 	I apologize to submit what may be a trivial question,
    Andreas> but I have exhausted all support options both from the
    Andreas> hardware manufacturers and from redhat and I need to get
    Andreas> the d... network connection to work.

What version of the driver are you using? The latest version on
the web page is severely broken. Make sure you're using an
up-to-date kernel, like 2.1.122 or 2.0.35. The version you want
is 0.99E, not 0.99F.


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