[tulip] interupt mitigation on a DFE-570TX - where's the secret
Donald Becker
Thu, 29 Mar 2001 15:21:16 -0500 (EST)
On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Roisman, Dani wrote:
> I'm using version 0.92t of the tulip driver, and it isn't performing as if
> it's doing interrupt mitigation. I'm comparing the pps that I'm sending it
> to the interrupt/sec info that I get from vmstat or looking at
> /proc/interrupts.
> Browsing through tulip.c, this line leads me to believe that I should see a
> message sent to syslog (I'm logging *.*) about interrupt mitigation when I
> load the driver:
> printk(KERN_NOTICE "%s: Set interrupt mitigate paramters %8.8x.\n",
There are two conditions when the interrupt mitigation register is set:
When the chip attempts to do too much work during a single interrupt.
You will see the infamous "Too much work at interrupt" message.
When set by an ioctl() call
You will see the message above.
> Is there something I'm missing???
It's a hack, but the ioctl() call has been put into the mii-diag
program from
You can set interrupt mitigation by running
mii-diag eth0 -G 0x8b240000
Donald Becker becker@scyld.com
Scyld Computing Corporation http://www.scyld.com
410 Severn Ave. Suite 210 Second Generation Beowulf Clusters
Annapolis MD 21403 410-990-9993