[tulip] NetGear FA310TX I/O Address problem ???

rob lee roblee_@hotmail.com
Tue, 21 Nov 2000 11:39:54 -0000

I have compiled tulip.c and pci-scan.c and have instaled with :

insmod pci-scan.o
insmod tulip.o

If I then do ifconfig -a

I get and eth0 adaptor recognised at with i/o address 0x3000

However when I look at /proc/pci/

For the netgear card it shows the memory i/o at 0x6000

Is this correct ????

Another small question - more to do with the modules and kernal really :

When I boot up it shows eth0 as 'delayed' and there is no eth0 adaptor 
recognised until I manually use the insmod commands above ?? I think this 
might be because pci-scan.o has not started so therefore tulip.o cannot 
start ?? Is there anything I need to add to init scripts/ bootup scripts for 
this to happen ??


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