2 cards, config options
Jay Thorne
Thu Jan 21 00:46:00 1999
I'm trying to force my first ethernet card to STAY in 10 baseT mode.
THe second I want to force into 10Base2.
First card is for the @home modem, second card is for my home net.
I have a marginal card (an SMC one) It works, but since I keep losing
10BaseT sync, it keeps switching interfaces on me.
Until the replacement card shows up, I want to force it to stay in 10baseT,
so the pauses will be less annoying.
I've tried both v0.89H and v0.90
alias eth0 tulip
alias eth1 tulip
options tulip options=12,1 debug=1
I've also told it to "stay" in a stern voice and used a newspaper to whack
it on the interface, but its not being a good doggie.
Jay Thorne The Net Result System Services jay@result.com
Zoom 505 Effect page http://net.result.com/~jay
Zoom 5xx series Patch Database: http://net.result.com/~jay/db.html