Linksys Cardbus and .90k
Nicholas Jenkins
Mon Feb 22 15:04:29 1999
In short, you're right about performance!
> Once I fixed the EEPROM_SIZE and ADDRLEN problems, it started
> working. But, I don't get any performance at all. I can only pull
> 15-20Kbps through an ftp. By contrast, DOS can pull 400Kbps on the
> same link and another linux machine on the same hub can pull 500Kbps.
> So I suspect there's still a problem here somewhere, although I'm not
> sure where.
After reading your response, I started up my
favorite tulip driver :), and ran some ftp
tests to get an idea of performance.
On a lightly-used 10BT segment with approximately
20 machines connected via an unmanaged hub, over
2 15 minute periods, I got the following responses:
ftp from linux to machines -
between 40kBytes and 90Kbytes/sec. = 3.2% - 7.2% of
theoretical maximum on the segment.
ftp from DOS box in Win98 to machines -
between 295 kBytes and 667 Kbytes/sec. = 23.7% - 53.4% of
theoretical maximum on the segment.
Since this was not on a switched segment, even if we assume
the 667 was ~= to 100% of theoretical maximum - given
available bandwidth of the shared segment, it would still
mean that the linux version of the driver was only operating
at 13.5% efficiency.
Any thoughts on improving this? BTW - I'm just happy to have
the driver working each and every time I start up the machine -
something of a rarety until the .90p driver. Performance
is a secondary issue to reliability - a least with me.