Linksys Lite-On and 0.90 vs. 0.90f (patched) vs. 0.90p

Brian Denheyer
Fri Feb 19 17:30:18 1999

>>>>> "Eric" == Eric Ding <ericding@MIT.EDU> writes:

    Eric> Hi all,
    Eric> I've got several of the Linksys 82c169 NIC's on my intranet, and have
    Eric> observed some inexplicably (at least by me) poor performance.

It's not inexplicable.  I spent several days with the two $#%@ cards I
bought.  Something's broke in the operation of the 169.

There are some performance speed-up patches which do help, but a
fundamental problem remains.  Turn on a verbose level of debugging in
conf.modules and you will see "ethernet frame too large" messages show
up in the logs.  Once that happens the card still works, but
performance becomes abysmal, just as you see in your test results.

Try using the NPtcp test and that'll really screw it up.
