DEC PCI 21142 with Transceiver

Hall, Jon S.
Wed Apr 21 07:12:41 1999

  I have a Digital Celebris GL 6200 with a DEC PCI 21142 network chip
using an AUI cable and transceiver.  I've tried the tulip.c module that
came with RH5.2(0.89) and that didn't do a thing.  After lurking on this
list, I found enough suggestions to tool around with the driver a
little.  I've downloaded the 0.90 version of the driver, commented out
the DEFAULT_MEDIA_TYPE line in it and loaded it into the kernel directly
instead of as a module.

Lo and behold, RH5.2 recognizes the chip- the only problem is, at bootup
its failing to detect the media(the AUI and xcvr).  I keep getting the
following message:

eth0: 21140 transmit timed-out, status f0260000, SIA 000000 c6 ffff0000
fffbff7f 8ff00008, resetting...
eth0: transmit timed-out, switching to  [10baseT, AUI, 100baseT, etc...]

It keeps trying until it gets to the MII media and then just hangs...  I
can simply press [Return] and log into the system but I still have no
network connection.

ifconfig eth0 yields:

eth0    Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:F8:78:E2:EA
            inet addr:###.###.###.###    Bcast:###.###.###.###  Mask:
            UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST   MTU:1500  Metric:1
            RX packets:0  errors:0   dropped:0   overruns:0   frame:0
            TX packets:0  errors:112   dropped:0   overruns:0
            Interrupt:11   Base address: 0xec00

Thanks to all the others that had asked and answered questions regarding
the tulip here before.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Later, jon.

John S. Hall