[eepro100] eepro100 hangs on 10 Mbps LAN

Donald Becker becker@scyld.com
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 18:23:05 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Danilo Godec wrote:

> Subject: Re: [eepro100] eepro100 hangs on 10 Mbps LAN

Presumably a 10Mbps repeater, correct?

I'll have to try this on a high-collision network.

> On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Danilo Godec wrote:
> > On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Danilo Godec wrote:
> > > If I use the Scyld driver, the machine locks-up hard, with no resort but
> > > hardware reboot.
> >
> > I reply to my own message. I'm just testing the very latest eepro100.c
> > from Scyld (v.1.15) and it seems well so far. I was unable to download the
> > complete kernel source with the older version, but it seems fine now.
> > Great! >:)
> Disregard what I said, just 45 seconds after sending the mail the machine
> hung again and it did for four more times. I'm attaching the output of
> eepro100-diag with several options:

Was there a message in the log?

> eepro100-a: eepro100-diag -a (module not loaded)

Was this run while the interface was still up?

> PS: The machine works flawlessly when connected to a 100 Mbps LAN.

This is a very valuable hint.  I suspect a problem with 16-collision
recovery, which doesn't get tested with our current test suite.

Donald Becker				becker@scyld.com
Scyld Computing Corporation		http://www.scyld.com
410 Severn Ave. Suite 210		Second Generation Beowulf Clusters
Annapolis MD 21403			410-990-9993